Snow Removal Insurance vs Landscaping Insurance
December 14, 2017With winter fast approaching, many landscapers are preparing for the snow removal season. If you plan on supplementing your business revenue with seasonal income of this nature, your insurance company will want to know about it.
Although landscaping and snow plowing operations seem to be inherently connected, insurance companies look at these two kinds of operations very differently. There are still some critical differences that may cause insurance companies to look at a landscaper doing seasonal snow removal a bit more scrupulously. Let’s take a look at some of these core differences.
Does Landscaping Insurance Cover Snow Removal Equipment?
A Landscaping insurance package policy can cover all types of equipment, such as rototillers, tractors, lawn mowers, and even hand tools. However, covering some specialized items, like snow plows on pickup trucks, may require additional conversation with your insurance agent.
If the plow, or your mount hardware, is considered customized equipment on your vehicle, you may end up receiving coverage for physical damage to these items via the stated value of your vehicle on your commercial auto policy. Otherwise, coverage may come from an inland marine policy. Likewise, a skid loader or other self-propelled piece of equipment used for plowing or snow removal will typically be scheduled on an inland marine policy.
The underwriter at the company providing you with inland marine coverage for your snow removal equipment may look at those items and their propensity for loss or damage differently than landscaper’s equipment, and as such, apply a varied rate.
Does My General Liability Cover Seasonal Conditions?
While your general liability policy likely doesn’t exclude seasonal conditions, such as ice-based injuries, or additional problems that can arise from the specifics of performing snow removal, claims arising from these situations may draw the attention of a company underwriter if they are previously unaware of the full scope and scale of your business operations.
This means that after a claim you might be looking at a premium increase or worse yet your insurance company may decide to non-renew your coverage when your current policy period expires. This creates the undesirable situation of looking for a new policy after cancellation and can hinder your options going forward- a scenario to certainly avoid!
Find Out If Snow Removal Insurance Is For You
Insuring your landscaping business properly if you also do snow removal in the off-season doesn’t have to be confusing. If you are a landscaper that also performs snow removal, don’t spend another winter in doubt of your coverage. We’ll have you covered in time for the first snow, don’t worry! Contact one of the Ruhl Insurance specialists today at (717) 665-2283 or (800) 537-6880 or through our online contact form.
Disclaimer: Information and claims presented in this content are meant for informative, illustrative purposes and should not be considered legally binding.